Reading & Writing

Ralph-Waldo-Emerson-Famous-QuotesWhen I was an infant, a tour guide in Boston offered to let my mother lay me in the cradle of Ralph Waldo Emerson to instill in me a love for writing. It worked.

Even though my career has taken many turns, writing always returns to me: poetry, English teacher, web copy writer, blogger, columnist, biographer, journaling, instructional materials, and now screenplay writing.  Some of this work has even been paid 🙂

Just as with yoga, meditation, and Reiki, writing is a practice. My blog will be home to some of my that practice. I might write about a certain poem or passage that has inspired or challenged me. I like to write about my various experiences in what I like to call “Remembering the Day.” And I like to write about my peaceful practices.  What do you like to write?